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Christina Major's Portrait Paintings

Christina Major's Portrait Paintings

May 14, 2022 - July 30, 2022 Christina Major's Portrait Paintings: May 14, 2022 - July 30, 2022

Large oversized portrait paintings in oil on canvas by Christina Major now exhibited at Artplex Gallery. Major covers her subjects in handwriting, expanding her powerful artworks through scale, brushstroke, color, texture, and extraordinary compositions. 

Artplex Gallery is happy to announce a new partnership with North Carolina based artist Christina Major.

Up close, Major's artworks may be read abstractly due to the emphasis on defined brush strokes, dabs of energetic color, and texture that is formed by the cursive text. From far away, the image coalesces from the fragmented strokes and layers of writing, drawing focus to the likeness of the subject painted.


Christina Major: Marilyn


Marilyn "A Wise Girl" US$ 22,000

Christina Major

78 x 65
197 x 164
Christina Major: Audrey


Audrey "I Believe" US$ 20,000

Christina Major

84 x 57
213 x 145